Our organization has many financial commitments.
We must provide an annual newsletter.
We must hold an annual meeting for all alumni members, and according to the by-laws, it is to be held the second Saturday of June.
We must use the interest earned from our endowment fund to pay for scholarships.
We are committed to providing $6000 to the school's trades, skills and apprenticeship programs.
These commitments are paid for by donations from alumni
and from our fundraisers.
Click here to go to our Honor Roll
We have an honor roll to show the outstanding donors to our organization. When you reach donations of $500, you are placed on the Honor Roll. For donations totaling $1000, you will reach the Dean's List. At $2500, the President's list, $5000 is the Chancellor list and at the top with $10,000 you are an Alumnus Emeritus!
How to donate
Open the donate button for online payments using your PayPal account or credit card.
Or make your check payable to CAA, and mail to : CAA, PO Box 3, Carlisle, IA 50047
Please specify type of donation:
1. Operating fund (newsletter/banquet)
2. Scholarship fund (for annual college scholarships)
3. Endowment fund (for savings/interest)
4. Class scholarship (for annual scholarships - please include your graduation year)
5. Skills USA (for students going into trades/skills)

NOTE: If you do not have a paypal account, we can very easily send you an invoice via email, so that you can use your credit card. Just send us your email address or phone number.
NOTE: Our paypal buttons work best with Chrome. If using other internet browsers, you may not see the "note" box where you specify which fund or who's memorial you are selecting. Just send a quick email to : carlisleiaalumni@gmail.com and let us know your wishes!